Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Miss Margaret MacLaurin Taught Deaf Students in Sign Language and Lived at the MacKay Institute for Deaf

Thank you Alexis for the OK to put the photo of "The Macay Institute" in this Blog and I will as you said not include on a Web Page like Ancestry, But thank you again and I will only use on the blog .
Permission received on November 25th, 2009, via email to use image of Mackay Institute for Blog. please contact if you wish to copy not to be used without permission.

Picture by W. H. Care; contact us has no relation with owners of this building

This link brings you to the Mackay School's author

A Compilation by


Principal of the Mackay Institution for Protestant Deaf-mutes, Montreal.

He opens with this quote.


"Having suffered from the most intense deafness for
more than thirty-five years, and labored as a teacher
and missionary to the deaf and dumb for twenty years,
the Compiler of this little work is, in consequence,
thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of this
afflicted class. He would urge all who possess any
influence, however small, with our Legislators, to use
that influence to obtain for the deaf-mute, , in the
name of humanity and justice, the same facilities for
education and spiritual instruction, as are enjoyed by persons
who can hear and speak. He wants justice, not charity."

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