Sunday, October 18, 2009

As Pascal Learned the English Language...He started to teach English to others...

I had difficulty in securing work. I did any job that I could find. But because of my accident; and the loss of my fingers on my right hand finding a job proved even more difficult. When I was in the hospital I thought I would have to switch and write with my left hand; but soon I discovered that I could hold the pen between the thumb and what was left of 1st finger.

Loading and unloading ships; selling Bibles…social and missionary work, (mostly to Italians), were some of the jobs that I did between 1909 and 1915. I began to teach English, to non-English speaking people.

About this time my brother Justin married and, in due time his wife gave birth to a daughter, Stella. He worked with the Grand Trunk Rail Road, as a brakeman. My brother sadly met with an accident.

I believe Justin DiFlorio died from the accident. No other remarks are made about him, his wife or daughter Stella.

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