Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Click Porcupine (highlighted below) for the story of the 1911 fire …

We found work in
Porcupine; the job of prospecting for gold. But upon investigation the nearest railroad was located twenty-five miles from the mining camp. Also the “company store” would be the only place we would be able to purchase the needed provisions; we decided not to go.

Another near miss for Pascal…

Porcupine Ontario, CA 1911 fire hit wiping out the whole town!

Over 70 miners killed. The people scrambled into boats and then a
dynamite storage area exploded creating 9 foot waves on Lake Porcupine
Many drowned as they fled into the lake to escape the 20-mile wide fire.

The fires flames were 100 feet high, killing some said over 200 people.

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