Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pascal's Nephew on utube in 1992...wow

GAETANO VECCHIARINO in 1992 speaking.....this is Pascal's Nephew...

In fact Gaetano's Grandfather Gaetano DiFlorio was also my Great Grandfather on my mother's side of the family. Here is Gaetano speaking, I can not understand what he is saying but it is nice to hear his voice again.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vecchiarino, Gaetano - VECCHIARINO, Gaetano. 1923 - 2008. In Montreal on October 3, 2008, at the age of eighty-four. Beloved husband of Irma Masella, loving father of Domenica ...
Published in the Montreal Gazette from 10/4/2008 - 10/5/2008

I Need Help...a Better Translation.. Gaetano Vecchiarino Story...


Good for him writing down the story as only you can tell it I will get a copy...
And I will get another translation...

MY ODYSSEY. L' author of this book é Mr. Gaetano Vecchiarino, Sanpietrese resident to Montreal Canada, if wanted to obtain a copy of the book, be able to call the number seguente,514-323-2684.
This not é a simple book of memories, sufferings of a lot of years of direct and faithful deposition é and torments, bred from what the great war was called (1939-1945). While this our alive world likely the eve of a' other fatal disaster, I offer yourselves this mine terrible experience like warning and accusation against the war follía and like necessary and devoted gesture to free me the heart and the spirit from the obbrobbri and the barbarity of ció that I lived together to millions companions d' arms d' every nation, of unfortunate victims of every etá and of powerless onlookers Being able of shift. . You did not wait for a book d' author, I am alone a man that lived. You did not wait for amazing anecdotes to happy end, I is not a' hero of it a writer of Hollyhood, is alone a survivor and did not wait for a goodbye, the war tormented me but did not win me. I was born at San Pietro Finally, in province of Caserta son of Vitulio Vecchiarino and of Of Florio Sunday. My degree of education would not do envy to no, I attended little the school but the life taught me the remainder.
Pascal DiFlorio's Nephew...Gaetano Vecchiarino, who was named after Dr. DiFlorio's father Gaetano, I just found out has passed away from us to a better place I pray.

My Thoughts and Prayers go to his loving family as I know how dificult the adjustment is when such a loss takes place.

I was going to call him today and needed to find his phone number in Canada... I looked it up on www.sanpietresiallestero.com and went to look up on the web and found out ...

I missed Gaetano, and I am sorry we did not get to see each other again. I am so thankful that we did talk several times on the telephone and that we did meet many years ago when I was just about 8 years old...But I still remember the visit and will charish that.

I copied this from the web page and I can not read it so am saving till I can get translated...sorry I am not trying to copy but I do want to preserve for the memory of this lovely man who was about the last link of family that really knew my grandfather.

I had a ton of questions to ask Gaetano and wanted to ask in person so his wonderful daughter could translate...I will never forget Gaetano's energy and life.

LA MIA ODISSEA.L’autore di questo libro é sig. Gaetano Vecchiarino,Sanpietrese residente a Montreal Canada, se desiderate ottenere una copia del libro, potete chiamare al numero seguente,514-323-2684.Questo non é un semplice libro di ricordi, é testimonianza diretta e fedele di molti anni di sofferenze e tormenti, generati da quella che fu chiamata la Grande Guerra (1939-1945).Mentre questo nostro mondo vive probabilmente la vigilia di un’altra funesta catastrofe, vi offro questa mia terribile esperienza come monito e accusa contro la follía bellica e come gesto necessario e devoto per liberarmi il cuore e lo spirito dagli obbrobbri e le barbarie di ció che ho vissuto insieme a milioni di compagni d’armi d’ogni nazione, di sciagurate vittime di ogni etá e di impotenti spettatori del delirio spietato dei potenti di turno..Non aspettatevi un libro d’autore, io sono solo un uomo che ha vissuto. Non aspettatevi aneddoti rocamboleschi a lieto fine, non sono un’eroe ne uno scrittore di Hollyhood, sono solo un sopravvissuto e non aspettatevi un addio, la guerra mi ha straziato ma non mi ha vinto. Sono nato a San Pietro Infine , in provincia di Caserta figlio di Vitulio Vecchiarino e di Di Florio Domenica . Il mio grado di istruzione non farebbe invidia a nessuno, ho frequentato poco la scuola ma la vita mi ha insegnato il resto.